Scripture Verse Art

Sunday, September 24, 2017

Alma 12:3-4 - Becoming Like God

"3 Now, we see that the man had become as God, knowing good and evil; and lest he should put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat and live forever, the Lord God placed cherubim and the flaming sword, that he should not partake of the fruit—
And thus we see, that there was a time granted unto man to repent, yea, a probationary time, a time to repent and serve God."

This chapter is commonly known to expound the doctrine of the fall and moral agency. These two verses, however, are particularly intriguing for their ideas concerning man becoming like God. Often, when one reads about the purpose of the fall and the atonement, it is placed in the context of how man can approach the throne of God once more and enter into His presence. While that doctrine is important for the individual to understand and appreciate, the sister doctrine of man becoming like God is equally pertinent for man to embrace. In verse three, it is revealed that the ability to choose, or moral agency, is a God-like trait. That “man had become as God” in that they knew good and evil shows the integral part agency plays in human life. Sometimes, man is tempted to curse God because of the choices they must make or because of the effect of others’ choices upon them. But when viewed under the gospel lens, the power behind that ability to choose should cause each person to be still and reflect upon their own divine nature.
However, this agency man has been bestowed does not immediately quality them for Godship. As eloquently stated in verse 4, man is admonished to use their agency to “repent and serve God,” indicating the path to becoming like the Father partially dependent upon one’s application of gospel principles during their “probationary time” on Earth. It is notable to point out that this doctrine of repentance and servitude of God was established ever since man was, beginning with Adam, the patriarch of the human race, and will be in effect even into the millennial reign of the Savior.
As one follows this heavenly counsel, they can be assured of the divine power of the Redeemer’s atonement, whose cleansing power eradicates even the smallest of sins of the penitent and lowly in heart. Agency enables one to become as God and with that knowledge one can be more faithful in this life. As man prepares to meet God, they also prepare to take upon the mantle of Godship themselves.

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